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All profits to homelessness shelters supported by BASW across the UK.
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黑猫小说下载_黑猫小说手机app下载 v1.1 - pk游戏网:2021-6-15 · 黑猫小说这款阅读神器中有超简洁的界面设计让书迷伞不再感到花里胡哨,而且在这里轻松查找你所要的小说书籍,而且在分类上更是精准全面,还支持智能的推荐功能,每天为你推荐,好书享不停,再也不用担心纠结该看哪一款。
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BASW published the refreshed PCF in June 2018. Now we are supporting the whole sector to understand and embed the changes in this webinar.
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This webinar will provide information to assist social workers who are in the process of renewing their registration with the HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council), which is a requirement for all social workers practising in England. Panellists: Elizabeth Njenga...
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The aim of this book is to speak directly to men who, through their controlling beliefs and behaviour, are causing worry and harm to their families, partners and children, and not least, to themselves. The title ‘From Fear to Freedom’...
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Devolution in Wales has come of age. It has had profound impacts on policy directions, on how social welfare practitioners are trained and carry out their work and on wider issues of national identity that affect the social relations of...
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This work explores the risks of adults with a mental disorder and how the relative Scottish legislation, policy and practice frameworks interrelate to provide them with support and protection. The main Acts in Scotland which support and protect adults at...
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Previous price: £24.95
The central focus of this book is on the early professional development needs of social workers. It has been compiled by editors with extensive experience of social work practice, education and research. The collection examines the radical changes that have...
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Rural Social Work Practice in Scotland brings international approaches to rural social work into a modern Scottish context. The book critically examines Scottish rural issues before going on to describe recognised rural models of social work practice, drawing upon a...
When the going gets tough - are you tough enough? - An exploration of Independent social work in recessionary times
Following on from their first book, 'Independent Social Work - A Risky Business?', the authors take a timely look at the challenges facing independent social work in recessionary times. There are chapters that explore what it takes to get started...